
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Some important info on DUI

Benefits of Working with a Bellevue DUI Attorney

Washington is very different from many states in terms of the laws surrounding pre-trial proceedings and penalties for driving under the influence. Having a Bellevue DUI attorney on your defense team is one of the best ways to minimize the effects of the harsh Washington DUI laws on your employment and ability to live a normal life while waiting for your case to come to an end. A qualified attorney can counsel you on what is happening with your case, access expert witnesses, and speak on your behalf prior to sentencing if you are convicted. While no attorney can guarantee that they will win your case, not having a Bellevue DUI attorney represent you can be a costly mistake. Understanding Washington DUI law will help you to better understand why having a Bellevue DUI attorney defend you is your best available option.

Pre-Trial Penalties & Proceedings

Many states in the U.S. are experiencing backups in scheduling hearings and trials for driving under the influence and other criminal offenses. You may have to wait for one month or more to see the inside of a courtroom after being charged with a DUI offense in one of these states. The opposite holds true in Washington. You are required by law to appear in court within 48 hours of your offense and, if the offense occurs on a weekend, you must appear early in the next week. Washington also has higher bail amounts for drivers charged with driving under the influence. If you make the mistake of not having a Bellevue DUI attorney present on your behalf, you could spend the time leading to your trial in a jail cell instead of at home with friends and family who can support you as you prepare for your case. This is why having a Bellevue DUI attorney on your side right from the beginning is so important.

Criminal Penalties for Washington DUI Convictions

The penalties for a driving under the influence conviction in the state of Washington depend on several factors including prior convictions and aggravating circumstances. The penalties increase for each subsequent offense after a first conviction. For a first offense, offenders can be sentenced to jail time, fines, license suspensions, additional insurance requirements, ignition interlock device installation, probation, and alcohol treatment as follows:

· One day to up to one year in jail
· $823 to $5,000 in fines
· 90-day license suspension
· Additional insurance requirements
·Probationary license for five years
· Alcohol treatment/evaluation

· Probation
· Ignition interlock device for up to five

The increased penalties for a second offense include:

· 2 days to one year in jail
· 1,078 to $5,000 in fines
· One-year license suspension
· Additional insurance requirements
· Probationary license for five years
· One-year license revocation
· Ignition interlock device usage
· Monitored probation
· Alcohol treatment/evaluation

If you are convicted of a third offense within a seven-year period, the penalties increase substantially. Penalties for a third DUI conviction in Washington can include:

· 30 days to one year in jail
· 60 days of house arrest
· $1,078 to $5,000 in fines
· Two-year license revocation period
· Additional insurance requirements
· Probationary license for five years
· Driving exams
· Ignition interlock device usage
· Monitored probation
· Alcohol evaluation/treatment

If you are convicted of a third offense and have a blood alcohol content of 0.15% or higher, the penalties are increased. These stiffer penalties include:

· 45 day minimum jail term
· 90 days of house arrest

· $1,503 to $5,000 in fines
· Additional insurance requirements
· 900-day license revocation period
· Driving exams
· Probationary license for five years
· Monitored probation for five years
· Ignition interlock device usage for a minimum of one year
· Alcohol evaluation and treatment

Having a Bellevue DUI attorney on your side can help to lessen these penalties when it comes time for sentencing. A qualified attorney can speak on your behalf and request that the court consider any mitigating circumstances that may exist.

DMV Penalties

Your Bellevue DUI attorney can also help you defend yourself against the loss of your driving privileges. License suspension can be levied immediately upon your arrest even if you end up being found not guilty of all DUI charges. Your Bellevue DUI attorney can represent you at any DMV hearings and work to get your license back so you can meet your obligations and continue to work while you wait for your trial.

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